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I am Gremlin!

Everyone is welcome to my World.

I Am a Dreamer

This is my place for Dreams and Fantasy.
My world as it is and The Places I wish could Be!

Site Index

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If on a Summer's night a wreath of light glittered
on the grass of a meadow, wise mortals drew away.

The light was a fairy ring of elfin dancers,
and the man or maid who stepped within its glow
would be imprisoned in their world!

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Explore the Worlds beyond the Grove.
Just click on the image to begin your journey!

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Visit the Grove

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Stop by the site of
Jethro the gentle Giant.
A true friend and companion.

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Carolyn2.jpg (12696 bytes)Visit Carolyn's Corner to see what I like to do!
           When I'm not surfing the Internet.  I confess...I'm a Computer addict!

                          Drop in on ChingLee. To me a special Sharpei.
                                        She loves people and is always happy.

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          Stop by the Cousins.
            They love to have company.

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The Library
A Collection of Poetry
and Information Links

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    The PlayRoom has Java Applet Games
    for young and old. I really got hooked on
    Java.   Enjoy!
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  Every village has a haunted house.
Take a minute and visit the
Ghosts of Gremlin's Grove.


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        If you would like to meet                       I love the Lake Applet. Stop
             my horses stop by                          by to see some of my work

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Daremore Quotes

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I hope you enjoyed your visit.
Please Sign My Dreambook

Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!

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Graphics made for Gremlin's Grove
by Twilight Design
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