I found myself faced one day with lonliness,
The world seemed to have shut me out.
There was no one to share a secret with,
Nor anyone to have just hang out.
Then as I thought, I couldn't go on,
The lonliness was too much to bare.
I came across a beautiful garden,
With a sweet puppy, swinging there.
Her eyes they showed compassion,
Even toward a soul as shallow as I,
She looked up with a heartfelt look,
As if to say I shouldn't just pass by.
So I knelt down to pet her,
She arched toward my touch.
I could sence right away,
She wouldn't judge me much.
Everyday I'd walk past that garden,
Knowing she'd be awaiting me there,
I'd sit and talk for hours,
And she'd listen, and show her care.
I wasn't young, my time was short,
Yet she gave me back what was lost,
She never asked for anything back,
She was a friend at any cost.
A tiny little puppy, I watched her grow,
She took away my heartache, and pain.
She became a life given back to me.
To never leave again..
Patti Brooks


This set was created using a picture I scanned from
a 1999 Shar-Pei Calendar. If you know the name
of the puppy or the owner please let me know so
I can give the proper credit.

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