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Nancy's Fur People

Hi there, we're the Blues Brothers,
He's Ziggy, I'm Splash,
He's the big fat slow guy,
I'm the thinner built Flash...
We get along quite wonderfully,
I guess it's brotherly love,
He's better for the push...
I'm better for the shove..
We have completely different attitudes,
Sometimes, like night and day,
Which makes it easier for us to be loved,
In our own special way.
We share our home with others,
Can't forget Bella Da Southern Bell,
I think she's too be my mate,
Yet the way she acts, I can't tell..
She seams to be the snooty type,
Such a high and mighty pei,
Me and my Blue brother Ziggy,
Kinda go our separate way..
Ziggy says maybe she's maturing ,
and with age she'll be more suave,
all I can say is I hope so,
Or I've found the meaning of tough LOVE..
Well Zig and I are always doing something,
So much trouble it's hard to keep Track,
Yet leave it to dear old Mom and her new digital.
She's always catching us in the act.
So if you ever passing through our way,
The Blues Brothers, say stop on By,
Pull up a rug, grab some kibble,
Or just stop in for a friendly Hi...
Remember it's the Blues brothers,
He's Ziggy and I'm Splash,
And together we're quite a team,
Although our appearances may Clash...

Written by Patti Brooks for
Nancy Allen
Do not copy without permission.

