Not a day goes by , that I
don't think of you,
wondering what your doing, and how you are.
Wishing with everything I have,
That our lives weren't made so far.
Wondering what the future hold's,
and if our lives were meant to be.
is this right for us, to do ?
is this really right for me ?
I don't want to take a chance,
that will only cause us pain.
I don't want to hurt you,
or lose you forever again.
although it's been just a little while,
I feel so close to you,
is the step we are taking right ,
is it something we both want to do ?
Is it too late to stop and think ,
can we go back from here ?
I know I love you dearly,
but are those thought's really clear?
I just don't want to lose what we have,
I look forward to the time we share.
I don't want us going separate way's,
or losing all of our care.
Just hold the thought , of today,
and what we hold so dear,
so that if this doesn't work,
we can still come back to here.

Patti Brooks Nov/18th/98
