Orange Cat

Doesn't anybody care
about an orange cat?
A big, cute, fluffy ball of fur
who doesn't know where he's at!
He seems quite well
and not too old,
and has the sweetest face.
He'd be a nice addition
in almost any place.
His eyes, bereft and sad,
are tearing at the brim.
It would appear he's lost from one
who must be missing him.
Or did somebody die
and others turn him loose
to forage for himself
and take so much abuse?
His cry is different from the rest
so plaintive, it's a wail
Repeatedly his heartbreak sounds
a very mournful tale.
I really can't imagine
what story he could tell
of what his life has been thus far
- a Heaven? - or a Hell?
I only know my new cat friend
deserves a pleasant home
with someone there to love him
and be sure he doesn't roam.

Carol Gould


Graphics Thanks To: Backgrounds by Sidero